Director: Albert Grabuleda
Synopsis: Deceitfully playing with stereotypes, Mantis questions whether identity is something imposed on us or something to be uncovered. The short film follows a young woman of Asian descent fulfilling the expectations of Western society. Slowly, she begins to question whether her actions are simply the result of how she has been conditioned to think and whether ultimately after so many years this has effectively become her identity. Challenging how truly comfortable we feel in our skin, Mantis cleverly poses the question of who’s in charge of (de)constructing our identity.
Bio: Born in Barcelona (Spain), Grabuleda began his journey in the film industry as an actor in films and tv commercials, making notes along the way for stories to create later on as a filmmaker. He then moved on to directing short films and then commercials, enjoying the challenge of bringing a whole narrative to life in a limited amount of time. Grabuleda’s extensive experience in acting has allowed him to be particularly comfortable working with actors and talent. His strength lies in digging deep into the peculiarities of the human mind and being able to tell unusual stories in a clear, detailed and palatable way.
Program: Beauty, Sex & Shame – VAEFF 2021