Paint on Paint #6

Director: Vasco Diogo
Synopsis: Paint On Paint # 6 is the sixth of a 8 series experimental animations that follow some structural principles: all are digital; all have a 3 minute and 33 seconds runtime; all are focused on a specific set of tools regarding brushes, ink and color; all have an abstract meaning connecting concepts to perceptions; all have a soundtrack made by different young musicians/composers. This film is focused on the work on neon lights, trying to propose a sense of joy and hope to the times we are living in, as if the film is watching us.
Bio: Vasco Diogo was born in Lisbon in 1970. He has a degree in Sociology by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a master degree in social sciences by Universidade de Lisboa and a PhD in Communication Sciences by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with the thesis: “Video: specificity, hybridity and experimentation”(scholarship by FCT, 2008). From 2008 to 2020 he was a professor at University of Beira Interior teaching mainly cinema directing, new cinemas and experimental cinema.
Program: Color, Movement & Space – VAEFF 2021