Learning To Fly
Director: Charlie Alberto IV
Synopsis: This story explores the human condition through visuals pertaining to subjects of race, sexism and infidelity. Learning To Fly is a broken love story set against the gritty backdrop of modern day New York City.
Bio: Co-founder of film production company Velvet Horizon Culture, Charlie Alberto IV (CAIV) is a producer, director, writer & actor of various shorts, documentaries & music videos produced mainly within the greater NYC area.
Releasing two personal projects over the past few years, Sound of Her (which was filmed across the United States in 14 days) found some recognition being officially selected in New Jersey State & Hoboken International Film Festivals of 2016. Currently releasing his latest, Killian, where he co-starred alongside veteran actor Micheal Madsen was just recently awarded a Gold Remi at the WorldFest-Houston & officially selected at the Indy Film Fest of 2019.
Program: Do You Hear Me? – VAEFF 2022