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Director: Evgenii Bakirov

Synopsis: A guy works as a janitor and cleans up gang fight scenes.
This is a figure for internal struggles of an artist who is cleaning up his mental world.

Bio: Evgenii did not study at film school, but gained much knowledge of films by spending hours in the movie theaters and watching 3-4 films a day. At age 16, he wrote the script for a short film that then fell into the hands of a famous Russian director. As a result, he was invited to take a film directing course in Moscow. While traveling around Russia with his first film he was so inspired by the world of film festivals that he decided to create his own. Three years later, he quit the festival and began to look for himself in directing. Evgenii’s early work ‘Metallurgist’ was shot at the Magnitogorsk metallurgical plant, where his grandfather died in an incident. It was an important work that received strong publicity and the Vimeo Staff Pick (two years later he’ll get a second Staff pick). Evgenii is a huge fan of new challenges and barriers that must be overcome. He believes that filming should always be fun but demanding, and the story is exciting and interesting.

Program: Between Fashion and Music – VAEFF 2021

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