The Room

Director: Laida Aldaz Arrieta
Synopsis: Confined in a room. Where routine becomes infinite habit for the body, space becomes for the soul a gateway to enter, or to exit…
Bio: Laida Aldaz Arrieta is a multidisciplinary artist and in many cases self-taught, with a special interest in the hybridization of the arts. Her works focus on the relationship between body and space; they are often created in non-scenic spaces, reinterpreting them, endowing them with another meaning and making them scenic. Her curiosity has led her to create, direct and produce works in various artistic fields such as “In Perspective”, “The Room”, “Kirolak”, “Shopping List”, “BS & I”. Throughout her career, she dances with multiple choreographers/artists and teaches classes at international schools and festivals.
She is director of the cultural association “El Trastero Creativo”, “ZINETIKA”, a multidisciplinary festival where the relationships between dance, film and new technologies are explored, and co-director of La Faktoria Choreographic Center.
Program: Isolation – VAEFF 2021