Color, Movement, & Space is a VAEFF program consisting of conceptually and stylistically innovative films from various genres, including music video, animation, and fashion film.
TOTEM // Javier Ideami
Whirlwind // Adolfo Ruiz
Commitment // Neels Castillon
Good morning Tokyo 2.0 // K.K. Electronics
Arrival // Eoin O’Callaghan
Metamodernity // Erick Oh
A Harmony of Touch // Kristyna Archer
Moths Ate The Veil // ariana courtney carrera
Toxic Lover // Ferran Capo
The Reason // Jonathan Fine
Our America // Dean Winkler and Donald Butler
NYC! Sound (Back) On // Avant Stav Nahum
VAEFF 2022 Programs
VAEFF 2022 Venues
Tribeca Film Center
Producers Club Theaters